The Nationals Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, has met with the Minister for Police after tabling a petition calling for more police and PSO resources in the Latrobe Valley.
Last week, during the last Parliamentary sitting period for the year, Mr Cameron tabled the petition which attracted nearly 1,000 signatures.
“People have spoken, and the prevailing view is that towns across the Valley including Morwell, Moe, Traralgon and Churchill are in desperate need of more police and PSO resources,” Mr Cameron said.
“In meeting with Police Minister, Anthony Carbines, I highlighted the fact that the Morwell electorate has the highest crime rate of any municipality outside of Melbourne.
“Every one of Melbourne’s 212 train stations has a dedicated PSO presence, yet just four stations in the whole of regional Victoria have a dedicate presence.
“We have a problem with anti-social and criminal behaviour in town centres and it is having a disastrous impact on small business and community safety.
“This is a very complex and multi-faceted issue, and I acknowledge there are many other contributing societal factors at play, particularly when it comes to young people.
“Our police are not just law enforcement officers – they conduct youth outreach programs, link with local services to provide referrals, and work tirelessly to support disengaged youth – all these things help build confidence and foster positive relationships and behaviours.
“The call for more police and PSO resources does not address the underlying issues that contribute to anti-social behaviour, but it is a very real action the Labor Government can take now to help the Latrobe Valley community feel safe.
“I look forward to meeting with the Minister for Police again next year to learn how the Labor Government plans to heed the community’s call for more police and PSO resources.”