Urgent care clinic needs funding security
Acknowledging that access to timely healthcare is vital for Latrobe Valley residents, The Nationals’ Member for Morwell Martin Cameron has urged the Allan Labor Government…
Acknowledging that access to timely healthcare is vital for Latrobe Valley residents, The Nationals’ Member for Morwell Martin Cameron has urged the Allan Labor Government…
The Nationals have challenged the Allan Labor Government for its part in the ongoing industrial dispute between Opal Australian Paper and employees at the Maryvale…
I’m a Traralgon boy, born and bred. I’m a plumber by trade, ran my own small business for 20 years, and I have had a lifelong involvement in the Traralgon Football Netball Club.
One thing I’m not, is a career politician. I come to this role as a genuine community advocate and I put my hand up for this role because we need a strong voice in State Parliament to stand up for the Latrobe Valley.