The Nationals Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, has asked questions about the status of the Morwell Food Manufacturing Precinct which has stalled under Regional Development Victoria.
Two weeks ago, Mr Cameron wrote to the Minister for Regional Development, Harriet Shing, requesting an urgent update on the project slated for Princes Drive – a significant development for Morwell which has attracted investment of more than $100 million and will provide 3250 direct and indirect jobs.
“The first stage of construction is reliant on infrastructure upgrades, which were meant to be provided by Regional Development Victoria (RDV) under a $10m promise made more than two years ago,” Mr Cameron said.
“The now-Minister for Regional Development said construction would begin in late-2021, and proudly proclaimed at the time, and I quote: “Morwell is moving ahead. Investments like this build momentum and create a future of new and emerging industries with a spread of jobs and opportunities. I look forward to seeing the Food Manufacturing Precinct take shape and businesses moving in.”
“But the time frame for delivery has now well and truly blown out, and the initial building phase of the development cannot commence until RDV completes the promised infrastructure works. What is the hold up?
“For the last six months, the developer has sought updates from the Andrews Government and been ignored – time, and time, and time again. In a truly disgusting display of arrogance, the developer has received no response, no update – nothing.
“It beggars belief that that we have $100 million worth of investment waiting in the wings for a hugely significant project that will stimulate the economy and provide thousands of jobs, yet the Minister refuses to progress the project or even communicate with the developer.
“The people of Morwell have very real and valid concerns about whether this development will actually materialise, or if it will amount to nothing under the Andrews Government – just like the electric vehicle manufacturing facility and the Lake Narracan housing development.
“The Minister must provide the developer and Latrobe Valley residents with a project update as a matter of urgency, and this major project must be fast-tracked as the Minister promised more than two years ago.”