The Nationals Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, has called on the Andrews Government to stump-up funding to rebuild the changerooms and canteen for the user groups at the flood-ravaged Traralgon Recreation Reserve, including the relocation of the Traralgon’s Men’s Shed.
The facilities on Whittakers Road were inundated by flood waters without warning during the catastrophic rain event of 2021 and haven’t been fit for use since due to extensive damage.
“The flood that hit without any warning whatsoever had a major impact on the town, houses, a major shopping centre and accommodation venue,” Mr Cameron said.
“But in particular, it decimated the user groups of the recreation reserve. For nearly two years the change rooms and canteen have stood frozen in time as the Andrews Government has been unable to fund the demolition and rebuild of the facility.
“Works are finally scheduled to begin at some stage this year, but the current allocated funding falls a long way short of being able to provide new secure homes for the user groups.”
Mr Cameron said an additional $8 million was required to properly restore the facilities and ensure the futures of the user groups.
“The Traralgon Football Netball Clubs plays in a major league competition in Gippsland and currently players get changed in flood-ravaged rooms with no male or female amenities,” he said.
“The men’s shed also currently hold their breath every time a major rain event occurs as their equipment is vulnerable to being destroyed by another flood.
“In the upcoming Budget, the user groups are calling on the Andrews Government to commit the further funds needed – approximately $8 million – to complete the rebuild and secure of the Traralgon Recreation Reserve and its user groups.”