The Nationals Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, is encouraging Latrobe Valley residents to have their say on community safety and experiences with local police as part of an Engage Victoria survey.
The survey will gauge community sentiment about Victoria Police and how people prefer to engage with police, and the information will be used to inform local safety plans and priorities.
“One of the most prevalent concerns raised with my office by Latrobe Valley residents is safety,” Mr Cameron said.
“Our police do a terrific job, and by sharing first-hand experiences residents can have a say about where more resources are needed, help shape safety priorities for the region, and ensure their specific concerns are documented.
“The survey considers personal perceptions of safety at home, in public and private settings and asks for suggestions about what can be done more broadly to improve community safety in the Valley.
“I encourage everyone who has an experience to share to complete the survey.”
The Police Community Sentiment Survey is open until 30th April.
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